How to save money on your logo


Simple as ABC!! It is dead easy to find free logos on the internet. If you are not able to find this type of site, write us an email. We will send you three or four web addresses to get them.

You just have to choose one and change the words "Company Logo" or "Free logo" and put the name of your company or your product. Three minutes and it's yours. Now you can put it on you business cards, envelopes, on your website, on your company vehicles ... Maybe even on the label of your product.

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From that moment on, the result will represent your business to your consumers and to the whole world.

And, when you are launching a company, of course you have to be functional and make quick decisions. And the internet can be a great help to do it. The only problem with this concrete logo decision is when you remember the utility of a logo.

The list of functions of a logo could be broad and probably subject to different opinions. But everyone will agree that its most basic function is to identify a company or product.

I see an apple and I think about ...

At this moment it is when we ask ourselves: Does a generic logo (free or payed) fulfill this essential function?

You won’t have to think too much to reach the conclusion that the answer is no. There may be hundreds, thousands of companies in each country, that are using that same logo or very similar logos. Same typography, same colours...

So these logos are useless?

My boss would like me to quickly say no, but it would not be entirely true. They can effectively have a function, although it does not necessarily mean saving money.

As we have said, these logos can be interesting when making quick decisions and finding urgent solutions to specific needs. Perhaps even when it comes to testing if the product works so it is worth investing in the creation of a powerful brand later. There are companies that have come to light with a logo and, when realizing it was no good for it’s product, have changed it radically in a short time.

Recent example of this fast change was Airbnb, which, to put it without much delicacy, came to light with an "improvable" logo.

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Only a few years after starting to operate, they realized that their image did not convey the right attributes and did not meet their expectations nor their customers’. That's why they worked on it until they managed to find a total brand, full of meanings and much more recognizable by users.

A logo is one of the elements that make up the brand of a company, but we never tire of insisting, a brand is something much wider and more valuable. It is a mixture of tangible and intangible unique attributes able to create the image and language that identifies a product and the purpose of its brand and differentiates it from its competitors.

Therefore, logos can and should evolve. In fact, for a company that triumphs and lasts over time, it is essential to evolve the logo periodically to adapt it to changing tastes. We all have examples of updating logos of major brands in our minds (Pepsi, Ford, Microsoft ...).

But, even though we have not yet managed to become one of these mythical brands, we should seriously think about our logo and brand in its today’s business moment.

I still have no brand or logo: You can choose any logo and go out to the market to test if your product or service works. Pros: fast and cheap. Cons: when you decide to change it, you will spend some money and time to swap the corporate identity in every place (paper, digital ...). In addition, the test results may not be completely true for not having a good branding (people may like the product, but not the brand).

I have a generic logo without a branding support: Nothing wrong happens, you can do like the Airbnb guys and evolve it after the launch. It will mean some money and time to change the branded materials that we referred to, but there are good news. If you are worried about it's logo it seems it has a reasonable future perspectives.  So you have the certainty that a better brand will improve your results and help the business grow.

Whatever the situation of your business is, we recommend that you take some time to think about it. And if you want, we can give you our opinion without any obligation.

Brave Brand